Welcome to "The Corpse danced at midnight"

The fanlisting for "Murder, she wrote" listed at The FanlistingsNetwork in the TV Shows category.

This wonderful long-running show features Angela Landsbury as Jessica Fletcher who just happens to stumble on one murder after another. If you're her friend or her family, tragedy will strike near you! But with her great eye for detail and knowledge as mystery writer she can spot deadly poisons, false suicides and all kinds of other irregularties making her often an asset to law enforcement.

In Cabbot Cove Jessica is frequently joined by Sheriff Amos Tupper, Seth Hazlitt and then later on by the new Sheriff Mort Metzger. There are also the other Cabot Cove regulars and her crime solving buddies all over the world: Michael Haggerty, the MI-6 Agent, Harry McGraw, the constantly broke PI and among many there is also Dennis Stanton, the former jewel thief, who has his own short lived mini-series inside the show.

Not to forget, Jessica's friends and former students, the extensive family of which her nephew Grady is the most important and recurring character. Grady's catastrophic love life is featured in many episodes, until he meets Donna and then they are involved in a couple of murder cases as well.
It's a fanstastic show with really entertaining characters, it never gets boring and they've got all kinds of strange plots and many great guest stars. If you are a fan, please join!


Script used: Enthusiast [Erin's Fork] v. 1.2 (original version)
Last updated: 14th March 2025
Member count: 49, from 15 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Barbayat
Growth rate: 0.01 fans/day


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